SVMA is launching its inaugural monthly newsletter. The goal of the newsletter is to inform SVMA members and regional manufacturers about upcoming opportunities for your engagement with schools in our region, advance the workforce development training of your employees through apprenticeships, and build a robust community of manufacturers through continuous engagement.
I look forward to your feedback on the newsletter. Is this what you want to learn?
Other topics that the newsletter should address?
Administrative Updates
- The SVMA website has been updated to include the logos and company
descriptions for each of the SVMA members. Thanks to everyone who responded to
my request. - Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – In 2023 the SVMA Board adopted a series of
KPI’s to track the organization’s effectiveness. Please see the KPI’s summary at the
end of this report. Overall, we had great participation in SVMA Education and
Membership Events. But, we need to work harder in 2024 to recruit new members.
Please review the upcoming events and invite a nonmember manufacturer to
Education Committee Updates
- SVMA Education & Workforce Development Committees host the “Spring 2024
High School Manufacturing Challenge.” May 8 at Oak Ridge High School. Watch
for emails from SVMA members Mike Bell & Jeff Briggs with more details. You can
also read the discussion from the 1/23 Workforce Development Committee.
There will be opportunities for members to serve as mentors, judges, and provide in-
kind donations or cash to support student scholarships. - SVMA has partnered with Sierra College to Submit CA Apprenticeship Initiative
Grant Application to Support Expansion of CNC Machinist Apprentice Program. The
grant will support hiring full-time and part-time staff to manage the apprenticeship
program for 3 years. - SVMA has partnered with the Los Rios Community College District to promote work-
based learning opportunities for community college students. Eligible students can
participate for up to 2 semesters. Private sector employers are reimbursed for 50%
of the wages paid. For more information about LAEP: LAEP BROCHURE - Are you a manufacturer located in El Dorado County interested in hosting a high
school intern during the school year or summer? Please contact Chris Woolever.
Chris is an instructor at Ponderosa HS and is directed to implement the internship
program. - If you hear about schools and school districts hosting advisories, etc, please let me
know. We want to place these on the SVMA calendar and recruit manufacturers to
participate. - 1/31/2024 Valley HS College & Career Fair. SVMA, Siemens, and Fluid Tech
Hydraulics will participate. - 2/15 Cordova HS Engineering Advisory from 2:30 – 4 pm. If you can attend,
please contact Faith Caplan, Engineering Instructor.
- 2/22/2024 Burbank HS Tours Weidner Architectural Signage3/6/2024
- 3/6/2024 John F Kennedy HS tours Siemens Mobility.
- 3/7/2024 El Dorado Union High School District is hosting a Career Fair at Union
Mine HS from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Register to participate: HERE! - Education Committee General Meeting occurs on the 3rd Monday at 3 pm. Join via Zoom.
- Contact Committee Chairs if you have any questions:
- Jeff Briggs,
- Courtney Camp,
Workforce Committee Updates
- The SVMA Apprenticeship Committee will host on-boarding event for manufacturers
and apprentices at Folsom Lake College on Feb 6, 2024. The event will occur at FL4
121. The closest parking is lot C on the west side of the campus. The event will
include a tour of the FLC Maker Space and expansion plans for the MITECH
Program. FLC needs your input to build a robust MITECH training center which
supports the region’s manufacturers and students. Register Here!
- Update on QC Technician Apprenticeship Program. Working in collaboration with
Folsom Lake College and the CA Dept of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) this
apprenticeship program will be approved by 6/30/2024. The SVMA apprenticeship
committee will be focused on recruiting apprentices into the program effective
October 2024. This will enable apprentices to plan their class enrollment for the
Spring 2025 semester. Stay tuned in August 2024 for more information about the
apprenticeship onboarding process. - Workforce Development and Apprenticeship Committees meet every other
Tuesday at 5 pm (1/23, 2/6, 2/20, etc). Join Zoom Meeting: Contact Committee Chair, Mike Bell, with any questions:
- Contact Committee Chair, Mike Bell, with any questions:
Membership Committee Updates
Upcoming Events
- 1/31 CMTC Webinar: Utilizing the Employment Training Panel (ETP) funds to
support employee upskilling. Register here - 2/9 Hwy 50- Manufacturers Meetup at Fort Rock Brewing in Rancho Cordova.
- 2/13 SVMA Mixer at Solar4America at McClellan Park. This event will bring
together manufacturers from McClellan Park, North Highlands, North Sacramento
and North Natomas. Register to attend here! - 2/29 SVMA Hosts a Mixer of Yolo County Manufacturers on 2/29 at Blue Note
Brewing in Downtown Woodland. If you want to attend, please invite a
manufacturer from Yolo County. REGISTER HERE!! - 3/5 CMTA Women MakingCA Event at Sawyer Hotel. Register to attend here!
- 3/14 SVMA Mixer at Smart Axe in Rancho Cordova. Register to attend here!
- Google Survey re future webinars and training opportunities.
- Membership Committee meets 3Rd Tuesday of the month at 4 pm. Join Zoom
Meeting: - Contact Committee Chair, Debra Griffin with any questions,
Charles A Jones Manufacturing Training Center Partnership
- SVMA and CAJ are actively recruiting Rancho Cordova & Elk Grove residents into
manufacturing training and career pathways, thanks to workforce development
grants from the Cities. These grants expire at the end of 2024, or until funds are
depleted. - CAJ latest (Nov 2023) graduates:
- Seren Soriano works for Insight Manufacturing Services. Thank you Herman!
- Lucas Noble searching for employment.
- 3 students graduate in January 2024. Please let me or Todd Frazee know if you
would like to interview these graduates. - 3 students graduate in April 2024. Please let me or Todd Frazee know if you would
like to interview these graduates. - 8 new enrollees in Dec 2023.
- 1 – Rancho Cordova
- 1 – Elk Grove
- 6 – Sacramento County
Next cohort for the 9-month Manufacturing Technician begins March 27, 2024.
- CAJ hosts regular forklift training & certification classes. 2/5, 2/26, 3/4,
3/29, 4/15, 4/29. - 2/6 – 9/2024 Material Handling class.
- CAJ hosts regular forklift training & certification classes. 2/5, 2/26, 3/4,
- During 2023 Todd and the CAJ Students Toured 20 manufacturers in 2023. Thanks to
all of the SVMA members who hosted a tour, including our latest member, Fluid
Tech Hydraulics. Please let Todd Frazee know if you would like to host a tour this
spring. - Would you be interested in hosting a student externship as part of their training?
Externships must be 120 hours. Please let Todd Frazee know if you would like to
host a student externship, and invest in the career of your future employee(s). - CAJ is actively recruiting for a welding instructor. For more information, please
contact Todd Frazee.
See the SVMA CALENDAR for a comprehensive list.
Have a great February! We’re going to be busy!
Dean Peckham