June 13-19, 2018
Mission of SVMI Train the Trainer
To give the regional technical educators access to a technical employer base. This access will allow the teachers to create and establish more applicable curriculum based on local industry’s needs. These soft and hard skills are critical in establishing a workforce that can keep the Sacramento Valley economy growing.
This was the first Train the Trainer program for the Sacramento Valley Manufacturing Initiative. SVMI was able to find 5 local volunteer teachers to participate. These teachers were scheduled for a 3-day training program in which they were able to commit their free summer time to learn more about manufacturing.
June 13, 2018
Day 1 was to provide an in class education environment around safe practices, terminology, common equipment and usages.
June 18, 2018 & June 19, 2018
Day 2 & Day 3 were spent at a local manufacturing company that offered the specific manufacturing capabilities that the teachers were interested in. These two days gave the teachers the opportunity to interact with many different employees and to start building those critical relationships to foster a sustainable society in manufacturing.
Many teachers and manufacturing companies were contacted and due to scheduling conflicts these 5 teachers were the only teachers able to participate in the Summer 2018 program. Many more teachers are wanting to participate in the SVMI Summer 2019 Train the Trainer Program. Many manufacturers are willing and excited to open their doors to provide more training and build a relationship for the future success of our future generations of workers.