SVMI Manufacturing Week


Manufacturing across the country, including Sacramento County, is facing a “graying” of the workforce as employees are retiring after long, productive careers.  This event is part of the SVMI Education Initiative to create the 21st Century Workforce  by “Inspiring the Next Generation of Manufacturing,”  a unique, first-of-its-kind project.  It employs a series of progressive programs with a primary objective of promoting the growth and evolution of students as they advance through their education and begin to make career choices about fields which they may not even be aware existed in Sacramento County.

Career technical education (CTE) is enjoying a rennaissance in California to help fill those  middle skills jobs which require more than a high school diploma but less than a bachelors or graduate degree.  The State of California is investing $200 million annually in the California Community Colleges in support of CTE to address the growing demand for 1 million middle skills jobs.  Each of the local community colleges have or are expanding their related manufacturing technology programs in the region.

During Manufacturing Week  manufacturers will visit Sacramento County  and regional high school career technical education (CTE) classes (Oct 15 & 16)  to introduce them to modern day manufacturing and introduce them to careers in manufacturing.  Second, SVMI will host a series of media events/facility tours for regional elected officials (Oct 18 & 19),  to the vital role that manufacturing plays in the regional economy.  The highlight of Manufacturing Week will be the career exploration at Sac State.  The event will include exhibits and presentations by the seven regional community colleges, Sac State and UC Davis, local maker spaces, robotics  and of course, manufacturers.  The expo will have 50 exhibitors and 800 students from local high schools.

SVMI is  excited to introduce 21st century manufacturing to the Sacramento Region and welcomes the participation  of all manufacturers in the 6 county region (Sacramento, Yuba, Sutter, Yolo, El Dorado & Placer).  Manufacturers and all of its partners in the region interested in building a dynamic, sustainable 21st Century Economy that benefits everyone will want to participate.