(MaD) Program Wins Regional Manufacturing Competition

John F Kennedy Manufacturing & Design (MaD) Program Win Regional Manufacturing Competition.

John F. Kennedy’s Manufacturing and Design Pathway students took home the win at Project MFG‘s recent regional challenge at Sierra College in Rocklin. Sponsored by the Department of Defense, this annual competition brings local college and business teams together to showcase their manufacturing skills. This event required JFK students to perform 5-axis  machining, TIG welding, and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) in a project unknown to the students prior to this event. The Kennedy team is the first high school in history to win this event.

Challenged by competitors with many more years of experience, the JFK MaD students were  able to perform under pressure and complete complicated tasks in a limited amount of time.  This event showcased a culmination of advanced skills obtained, as students in the Manufacturing and Design Pathway. These students validated many years of rigorous curriculum development and proven learning outcomes. Congratulations to JFK MaD Lead Instructor Mr. Rob Greene and the students, Franklin Huang, Kushal Nand and Jason Liu for all their hard work and dedication. These students were awarded scholarship funds, free Kennametal tooling and a cash prize to  the program at Kennedy High School.

For more information hosting a tour of the JKF MaD students or hiring your future workforce please contact Mr. Rob Greene,  Manufacturing & Design CTE Pathway, 916-743-5044 or robert-greene@scusd.edu.

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